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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The Beginning

Hello Blog world - Once again I have refreshed my profile, added a new blog feed and plan to keep it up. lol! But seriously I'll try my hardest to keep this one up.

To start with here, I guess I should cover some basics of what you might see in my blogs. So you know whether or not you want to read them:

  • Profane Language (If I'm reviewing or ranting this does come up)
  • Sexual References (If you're a prude it's not recommended for you)
The main type of blog I created this for is what I'll term "Ian's Corner" reviews or my own opinions on things that "matter to the people" - I'll be posting this link on facebook; if a subject comes up (i.e music) I'll go into the song, it's lyrics and come up with my own (Probably biased) opinion, alongside (I hope) an impartial review of the subject.

To sum up my bullet points then;

Profane Language

This quite literally means most swear words (Aside from the "C" word because its crass and uncouth) - as I said I'll be linking this on facebook, and while I try to keep my facebook profile as clean as I can, my blog will be no-holds-barred Ian. So if your easily offended I would recommend you don't read it.

Sexual References

By this I don't mean graphic sex, I wouldn't blog graphic sex or blatantly crude innuendoes. I merely mean that because of my sexuality I may occasionally refer to something with language that one might not find in polite conversation - and as the bullet point says; if your a prude or easily offended by sexual language - don't read it. Once again while my facebook is kept clean as I possibly can; this blog isn't going to be, this is a place where I can voice my honest opinion on things and that does involve using language that you may not have heard me use.